Child & Family Development Center (CFDC)
The Child & Family Development Center (CFDC) provides child care and early education services and serves as a laboratory school for early childhood, nursing, psychology, dental and sociology students at San Juan College. Practicum students in early childhood education courses are part of the Center staff each semester. They are supervised by qualified teachers to plan, implement and evaluate developmentally appropriate activities for young children.

Licensed and Accredited
The CFDC is licensed by the State of New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department and is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).
Child Care and Early Education Services
The CFDC currently houses three different programs for children 6 weeks of age through preschool. Children are enrolled in the programs for five days a week from 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Each of our programs is based on the assumption that children learn best when they are actively involved with their environment and free to explore without fear of mistakes. The learning environment emphasizes social development and cooperation with others, as well as a variety of stimulating activities for young children. We believe that children are inventive and creative in the ways they understand the world, and that they grow and develop by sharing ideas with others and by exploring questions raised by caring adults. We arrange the environment to provide structure and the schedule to provide consistency. These enable a child to develop a sense of mastery over the environment. Above all, we believe that each child is a unique person with special things to offer. Our interactions with children reflect these beliefs.
Two Locations
The CFDC offers two convenient locations to cater to your family's needs: one situated at SJC's main campus in Farmington and the other at the SJC East Campus in Aztec.
Pre-K Classrooms
We have three NM Pre-K classrooms. Children attending the NM Pre-K programs are 3-5 years old. A day’s schedule will include self-selected activities, large and small group activities, learning centers, snacks, and outdoor time. Art, music, movement, science, language, pre-math, pre-reading, social studies, wood working, and dramatic play are some of the areas that children explore in the process of their physical, mental, social, and emotional growth.
- The Pre-K 1 room is licensed to care for 16 children
- The Pre-K 2 room is licensed to care for 16 children
- The Pre-K 3 room is licensed to care for 8 children
Two-year-old Classroom
We have one two-year-old classroom that is licensed to care for 12 children who are 21-36 months old. The focus in this classroom is on routines, exploration, active play, and activities that are individualized to meet children’s needs and interests.
Toddler Classrooms
We have one toddler classroom that is licensed to care for 12 children who are 18-30 months old and one young toddler classroom that is licensed to care for 8 children who are 12-21 months old. The focus in these classrooms is on routines, exploration, active play, and activities that are individualized to meet children’s needs and interests.
Infant Classroom
We have one infant classroom that is licensed to care for 8 children who are 6 weeks through 12 months old. The focus of this classroom is ensuring each child is cared for and nurtured in response to his or her expressed needs.
About the Teachers
Each program is staffed by a lead teacher and associate teachers. All of the lead teachers have their BAs, and the majority of the associates hold Child Development Associate credentials. To comply with the requirements of the state license, all members of the teaching staff attend annual trainings.
Childcare Costs
SJC Students and Employee Weekly Rates
Preschool | $133.90 per week | 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. |
Twos | $138.02 per week | 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. |
Toddlers/Infants | $154.50 per week | 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. |
Community Weekly Rates
Preschool | $140.40 per week | 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. |
Twos | $143.52 per week | 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. |
Toddlers/Infants | $160.16 per week | 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. |
Pre-K for all categories students, employees, and community members is $0. The tuition is covered in full through the NM ECECD Pre-K grant.
How to Enroll
The Child and Family Development Center (CFDC) has a waiting list for enrollment. If you wish to put your child's name on the waiting list, complete the CFDC Waiting List form.
Based on the date on the waiting list form, families will be called as openings occur. We renew our waiting list annually on May 1. If you have not contacted the CFDC administrative staff prior to May 1 to confirm that you still wish to enroll your child, your child will be removed from the waiting list on May 1. Families are encouraged to complete a Waiting List Form as far in advance as possible as the waiting time for enrollment opportunities has historically been at least one year.
No. The number of days a child attends is up to the parent. However, the slot reserved for a child must be paid for at the weekly rate regardless of attendance. Parents are encouraged to bring their child each day to provide consistency and to allow their child to take part in continuing classroom activities.
Children enrolled in the NM Pre-K program are encouraged to attend 85% of the time.
Children attending the Pre-K program are encouraged to be potty trained. The preschool classrooms are not equipped to change diapers.
No. The Center does not provide drop-in hourly or daily childcare or babysitting, but quality educational programming and care for young children. Children are enrolled in the programs for five days a week.
The CFDC is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and operates on a 9-month academic calendar following the College’s Fall and Spring semester schedules. The Center is closed on all academic holidays and breaks (e.g. Spring Break, Christmas vacation).
Childcare is available to full-time students of SJC; 20% of the slots are available to full-time faculty and staff of SJC; 10% of the slots are available to community members. For the purposes of the CFDC program, a student must carry a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours during the semester for their child to be enrolled at the Center.